ChariTree is a non-profit committee of the Brookings Area Council for the Arts that brings awareness of local non-profits and helps them to fundraise for their activities all while the community enjoys a holiday festival of trees.
The annual ChariTree event originally was hosted by C&K Market in December 2010. The decorated trees by local non-profits were displayed and silently auctioned off to support each non-profit. Family fun activities and Christmas trees were celebrated. Today, ChariTree continues the tradition of the holiday joy and spirit of giving.
Christmas trees are a traditional symbol of the holiday season. At our festival, the community gathers together to appreciate the many wonderful artfully designed trees, shopping, and fun festivities for all ages. The festival entires are open to a wide range of community organizations and programs that benefit and promote culture, services of well-being & education, and the arts. In 2019, a total of eighteen local non-profits from Smith River,CA to Gold Beach,OR participated in the event that raised $7,534. Each group keeps the money from the tree and/or wreath auctions, public donations, and the sale of items or other fundraisers. Every year, each organization designs and trims the tree with their own creative theme in a friendly competition. On the decorating day, to represent the community, each group also donates an ornament to put on the ChariTree tree.
Join us at the 9th Annual ChariTree Holiday Festival
on Saturday, December 4, 2021
11am – 4pm at the Chetco Grange
Free family Christmas event! Enjoy the Live Trees Silent Auction decorated by or for local non-profits! Vote for your favorite decorated tree! Buy tickets for the ChariTree Raffle!