Friends of Music, a non-profit organization, promotes interest in musical expression and enhances the cultural climate of the region by presenting classical music programs and promoting other musical genres throughout the year. We encourage, guide and provide tools to novice, student, and under-privileged community members to participate in a variety of performing arts activities by making educational, out-reach and scholarship opportunities available. Friends of Music took shape in 1985 when a group of music lovers along the southern Oregon and northern California coast decided to pool efforts and resources to bring high quality musical performances to the area. Over the years Friends of Music has grown and prospered. The artists coming to the Brookings venue have continued to provide concert audiences with superb performances. Friends of Music not only present concerts featuring internationally known and regionally acclaimed artists, the organization also sponsors mini-concerts for schools and promotes the Curry/Del Norte Orchestra Guild and the Curry/Del Norte Orchestra. Tickets are now available for the 2017/2018 live performances. Visit our website for a full listing of the entire season of world class performances held in beautiful Brookings, Oregon. Tickets are only $20 each, or purchase season tickets for all performances for only $100. Students under 18 are always welcome to attend any performance absolutely FREE!