What sort of people are Rotarians?
People who make their community a better place.
(76% are working in their local community, that matters most to them.)
ROTARY brings together people who step forward and contribute their time, energy and passion to many different projects which benefit our local communities.
ROTARY brings an opportunity to build lifelong friendships and experience the personal fulfillment of providing volunteer service to others.
ROTARY has no secret handshake, policy, meetings, rituals or official creed or rituals. Rotary is an open society of men and women who simply believe in helping others.
ROTARY gives the chance to do something for somebody else and to sense the self-fulfillment that comes in the process and return of that satisfaction to one’s own life.
B-H Community Rotary Projects
- Scholarships for graduating seniors
- Dictionaries and water safety/swimming lessons for third graders
- Sole Mate Certificates (shoes for kids)
- Food Pantries at BHHS
- Community Food Distribution
- And more…
Brookings-Harbor Rotary – POB 547, Brookings OR 97415 – Facebook—brookingsharborrotary.org