585 5th Street, Brookings, OR, USA
500 5th Street Brookings Oregon 97415 US

We’re always looking for people who want to assist caregivers with respite care. There are a number of ways in which to assist clients of Coastal Home Health & Hospice. Please give us a call so we can learn more about your skills and better connect you with people you can help.

Skills Needed

We can use a variety of skills, including, but not limited to:

1. Good sense of humor
2 Compassion
3. Ability to work with diverse clientele
4. Responsible
5. Dedicated to helping others
6. An ability to work with little to no supervision
7. and more

Requirements and Commitment

There is an application for you to fill out, plus you have to be able to pass a background check and drug screen. We also have an online training program which we’ll tell you more about when you apply.

Organization Name
Coastal Home Health & Hospice
Contact Person Name
Toni Placensia
Organization Address

585 5th Street
Brookings, OR 97415

Contact Availability
M-Th 9 am - 12 pm
Interested in volunteering for this organization or activity? Fill out the form below as a guest, or if you want to use the contact info associated with your account.
Please include the best phone number to reach you.