The Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation is a federally recognized Indian Tribe of Tolowa Indians. The Nation is located 3 miles south of the Oregon-California border in Northwest California. The Tribe’s general membership consists of 1,609 members governed by a 7 member Tribal Council elected by the general membership.
Tribal operations are administered by a Tribal Administrator. Other departments include: Fiscal, Environmental Programs, Housing, Language Preservation, Native American Graves and Repatriation (NAGPRA), Community and Family Services, Grants and Contracts, Maintenance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Enrollment and Clerical Support.
Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation property holdings include a drinking water system, Tribal Administrative Offices, Gaming Agency Offices, Senior Apartments, Howonquet Cemetery, Prince Island, UIHS Medical/Dental Clinic, Howonquet Head Start and Day Care and the Howonquet Hall Community Center. Other lands are reserved for future use.