The South Coast Regional Early Learning (SCREL) Hub is one of 16 early learning hubs across the state of Oregon. From Brookings to Reedsport, we support the alignment of services for young children and their families, so they have the resources they need to thrive. We work within and across sectors to promote equity and systems change in our region. Our vision is a community where:
- The Early Learning System is Aligned, Coordinated, and Family-Centered
- Children are Raised in Healthy, Stable, and Attached Families
- Children Arrive Ready for Kindergarten
Our work is a part of the greater vision established in The Statewide Early Learning System Plan: Raise Up Oregon. Learn more at:
Some of the ways we work to fulfill our vision include:
Community Investment Funds: We invest funds we receive from the Early Learning Division in collaborative and innovative local projects designed to fill gaps in services, reduce inequities, and create and aligned and coordinated local early learning system.
Coordinated Enrollment: The SCREL Hub is leading the Coordinated Enrollment Process for the new Preschool Promise slots in our region. We are working with families to find programs that best meet their needs, and with providers to ensure all programs have full enrollment.
P-3 (Prenatal to Third Grade) Coordination: Our P-3 efforts are focused on research-based strategies that strengthen relationships between early learning providers, elementary schools, and families, to build a strong continuum of support for children from birth through early elementary school. This project is funded through our partnership with The Ford Family Foundation.
Home Visiting Systems Coordination: We are working to connect home visiting programs to build regional practices and policies that strengthen and expand programs, support home visiting professionals, and increase awareness and participation in home visiting programs. This project is funded through our partnership with The Ford Family Foundation.
Data Collection and Sharing: Data informs all of our SCREL Hub strategies and investments. We compile regional data and collect parent and provider feedback to help direct resources to our most at risk and furthest from opportunity children and families, and to ensure that services are effective and best meet family needs.
The first six years of life are the most important in determining how children see themselves, how they approach learning, and what kind of success they will reach in school and beyond. It is our responsibility as a community to ensure that the experiences a child has during these years create a strong foundation for future success.
Southwestern Oregon Workforce Investment Board (SOWIB) serves as the SCREL Hub’s backbone agency. Together we promote positive change for thriving communities on the South Coast.